Transform your workplace: How Earned Wage Access by Pade boosts employee productivity

Let's get it straight.

The inflation rate in Nigeria surged to 24.08% in July 2023, 

Making it challenging for most organizations to provide salary increases that keep pace with it. 

This situation is particularly detrimental to employees who bear the brunt of escalating living costs, leading to unproductivity and under-performance at work.

However, there's a transformative solution: Earned Wage Access.

In this eBook, we will explore how an Earned Wage Access program can boost your organization’s productivity and why you should consider implementing one.

You will learn how:

  • EWA alleviates financial stress by providing daily access to earned wages, improving employees' overall well-being.
  • You can reduce turnover by at least 19% and retain employees longer in high-turnover fields.
  • EWA becomes a competitive advantage in the talent market, making job offers more appealing to recruits.
  • You can boost employee productivity and satisfaction by reducing financial distractions at work.

Download your free resource here